Overhaul & Repair - Workshop
Flame Arrester

The refurbishing of valves is performed in our dedicated and fully equipped workshop, enabling us to calibrate and certify valves.
Our workshop is based in the North West of England and has the capabilities of overhauling all types & sizes of tank protection equipment.
Every valve that leaves the workshop will have been rigorously tested to all the recognised standards
Workshop capabilities
Valves can either be sent to our workshop or we can collect direct from site
We strip items to their component parts, inspect and clean
We can also shot/bead blast and re-paint were required.
Equipment is reassembled using all new soft spares and any other spares needed to return the valve to a good working condition. If additional spares are needed the customer is always made aware and photos are provided to show damage or the reasons behind the recommended change.
Once reassembled items are tested for example with a Breather Valves/Vents, weight packages are checked and verified for the required setting and then placed on our calibrated test rig (ISO 28300/API2000 specification) and the leakage rates are recorded in accordance with ISO 28300/API2000.
All performance figures are recorded on a test certificate and a detailed maintenance report is issued for the equipment.
"How do they work ?"
A Flame Arrester (UK spelling) / Arrestor (USA spelling) are designed to absorb the heat from a flame front traveling at subsonic velocities, which then drops the burning gas/air mixture below its ignition temperature, meaning the flame cannot survive (fire triangle). The heat is absorbed through channels (passages) designed into an element. These channels are chosen and measured as the MESG (maximum experimental safe gap) of the gas for a particular installation. These passages can be regular, like crimped metal ribbon or wire mesh or a sheet metal plate with punched holes, depending on manufacture and design.

"Why is it essential that Flame Arresters should be regularly serviced & maintained ?"
Essentially flame arresters are safety devices, as described above they prevent flames or sparks that could potentially cause a major incident, because of this its vitally important that these devices are regularly inspected and maintained so they can do there job.
The usual industry standard for inspections and maintenance is a maximum of 12 months between service intervals.
Performing inspections and regular maintenance can identify any issues that could stop the flame arrestor from functioning correctly for example if there is damage to elements from a flashback or short burning time, the element would need replacing asap or if dirt and debris had entered the flame arrester blocking the channels of the element this would need cleaning and unblocking to allow the element to pass gas/air correctly. Any issues with the element and the Maximum Experimental Safe Gap (MESG) can compromise the functionality of the flame arrester and could affect the flame arrester extinguishing a flame !!!!